Thank you for stopping thru!

Please read through the info below and shoot me an email if you think your project is a good fit.

If you aren’t familiar with my work, make sure you look through my portfolio first. If what you are looking to get is way different than my what you see, chances are it’s not something I will take on. That doesn’t mean I can’t help, we have a ton of artists at my shop and I can always point you in the right direction. Or you can visit to see if your project vibes with any of the artists.


Here’s a list of genres that will take priority when I’m choosing the projects I want to take on:

Straight-forward portraits, fantasy portraits, sci-fi and horror portraits, pop-culture portraits, animal portraits, pet portraits, landscapes (fantasy or realistic), or a combination of these things. I will also drop designs I’ve made from time to time. You can get a first look at those if you join my Instagram broadcast channel called “shea-baby slays”, it’s free to join and you also get first notice of last minute openings due to cancellations.

The above genres are my specialties. Once the genre is chosen, then it’s a matter of style. There’s an endless amount of ways I can stylize a design. Sometimes it’s a straight-forward black and gray memorial portrait. Other times, its super stylized and wild. I try to push the envelope with every tattoo. I don’t expect my clients to bring me designs that are ready to roll. All I need is a general direction and subject matter. If I see the potential in a project then we will sit down at a consultation and I will bounce ideas at you until we find a path that excites us both!


March 1st will be the date I open my books. Until then I am cleaning my plate and collecting submissions. If you don’t hear back, it means I haven’t accepted or denied your project. I try my best to keep up but I probably wont decide on projects until the March 1st date gets here. Thank you for your patience.

If you think your project is a good fit, or if you want a referral, shoot an email to You can also send pictures if you have any, or pictures of my own work if it resembles the style you are looking for.

I am excited for this next round of tattoos! Hopefully you are one of them! Much love and thank you for your support!